Juneau Public Adjusters For A Full Claim Recovery
You deserve a full settlement for commercial property damage.
In the wake of major property damage, you may be faced with hard questions. What do you do now? Will insurance help with the recovery? Take a step back and consider one crucial option: you have the right, as a policyholder, to use a licensed public adjuster to be your advocate in the claims process to assure you receive the best settlement possible.
Our licensed public adjusters have helped people and businesses in the Alaska Panhandle for decades. Talk with us today about your claim.
Juneau property owners and businesses may experience the following disasters.

Commercial Property Fires
765 structural fires were reported last year in Alaska and for every minute a fire was burning, it caused $137.02 of property damage.

Storm Surge and Flooding
Glacial dam releases can cause a sudden rise of the Taku River and other waterways, flooding roads and properties.

Over 70 buildings near downtown Juneau have been struck by avalanches in the past 100 years. Large avalanche paths surround the city, near the Behrends and White subdivisions and along Thane Road. In 2008, a set of avalanches destroyed three towers for a power transmission line, cutting Juneau off from its biggest source of hydroelectricity.

Storm Damage
Alaska’s freezing temperatures and high winds can burst pipes, knock trees into your rooftop and operational equipment, and cause power outages for days.

Juneau is close to the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault, which runs northwest to southeast and has caused large earthquakes in Alaska. It was reported that the 2014 Palma Bay earthquake led to the damage of a fiber optic cable serving the area, resulting in widespread outages to telecommunications.
Why trust a Juneau public adjuster to handle your property insurance claim?
Without expert claim help, you are the one responsible for managing your claim accurately and according to industry standards. The insurance company will have an adjuster to represent its interests. A licensed public adjuster will protect yours.
An experienced public adjusting firm like Adjusters International Pacific Northwest will utilize its team of public adjusters, forensic accountants, inventory specialists, and building estimators to handle every step on your behalf and aggressively negotiate for a full settlement.
Why choose a public adjuster from Adjusters International Pacific Northwest?
We are from the region and, for decades, have helped policyholders who are all too often left out in the cold when faced with major property damage insurance claims. We have handled thousands of claims and recovered millions in settlements for clients in Alaska and throughout the Pacific Northwest in a variety of industries – hotels, commercial fishing, school districts, municipalities, and more.