Adjusters International Pacific Northwest Testimonials
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Time and again you had the creative solution, the tough negotiating point, or the quick response necessary to keep our insurance claim on track with the insurance adjusters. I am convinced that without your unflagging enthusiasm for this claim we would not have settled as quickly, nor for as much as we ultimately did.
Seven alarms and 85 fire fighters later, our entire south building had burned down to the garage level...It was at this time that I learned of a profession that is known as Public Adjusters?We quickly concluded that our expertise was not in maximizing insurance claims?The question was ? ?who should we use???One name came up again and again. It was Adjusters International (AI)?Everyone had glowing comments about their experiences with Al and Drew. After getting agreement from our lender, Bank of America, we entered into an agreement to have AI represent us?Complicated insurance claims in excess of $10mm are not pleasurable experiences?Choosing someone who will work hard until the claim is closed is critical. Adjusters International did just that.
My area of specialty is in dentistry, not in dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies are in the business to make money, not to help out the Insured. Your knowledge, help, caring and expertise in adjusting the losses, both property and business interruption far surpassed my expectations.
Seven alarms and 85 fire fighters later, our entire south building had burned down to the garage level...It was at this time that I learned of a profession that is known as Public Adjusters?We quickly concluded that our expertise was not in maximizing insurance claims?The question was ? ?who should we use???One name came up again and again. It was Adjusters International (AI)?Everyone had glowing comments about their experiences with Al and Drew. After getting agreement from our lender, Bank of America, we entered into an agreement to have AI represent us?Complicated insurance claims in excess of $10mm are not pleasurable experiences?Choosing someone who will work hard until the claim is closed is critical. Adjusters International did just that.
We are very happy with the settlement we ended up with and I think we came out with a lot more after subtracting your fee than we would have doing this on our own...I am sure there are a lot of naive people out there who think insurance companies are eager to write million dollar checks for any legitimate claim. This didn't happen for Dr. Pitts and it didn't happen for us. The fact that you are in business suggests it doesn't happen all that often.
We greatly appreciate your professionalism, knowledge, and experience that have assisted us in the preparation of the claim and through our recent negotiations with the insurance carriers. It is clear to us that without your involvement we would not have received the 'fair' settlement that was concluded in December. The team you assembled brought extensive experience to the table during a time when it was critical. Without this experience, we would not have been able to make it through the catastrophe in the manner we did.
When it was initially suggested that we hire an independent loss consultant, I must admit I was skeptical of the need. However, I am convinced beyond all doubt that it was the best decision for the district to retain your services. With everything I had to do regarding the process from the day of the fire to the final occupancy of the rebuilt building, it was always comforting to know that when it came to dealing with the insurance company, all I had to do was pick up the phone and call Adjusters International and it was taken care of in a professional manner. I am convinced that we received a fair and just settlement. In addition our insurance agent was spared the unpleasant task of being the mediator between us and the insurance company.
Navigating through the fine detail points of an insurance claim proved far more complex than I would have ever imagined. In hindsight I know I would have definitely struggled and ultimately lost money, had I tried to go it alone. The insurance company and their consultants are experts in the field of insurance claims. The insured is not. I would have been at a huge disadvantage had it not been for your help. The bottom line is your services are valuable and in my view necessary.